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 1. Dr. Robert B. Thompson  Two Witnesses Through History  Copyright, Mount Zion Fellowship 
 2. Heartrise Productions - Various Artists  12 The Witnesses  Songs of the Heart Vol. 2 
 3. Heartrise Productions - Various Artists  12 The Witnesses  Songs of the Heart Vol. 2 
 4. G.K. Beale  The Two Witnesses in Revelation  Revelation 
 5. Hector Pereya Suarez  2007-09-27 You Shall Be Witnesses  Pasdac 2007 
 6. Donald Hall  Witnesses' House  UPenn; April 16, 2007 
 7. Donald Hall  Witnesses' House  UPenn; April 16, 2007 
 8. Pastor David Legge  01-Jehovah's Witnesses  Strongholds Of Satan 
 10. Dr. Robert B. Thompson  Preparing the Witnesses  Copyright, Mount Zion Fellowship 
 11. Dr. Jeff Arthurs  Preachers are Witnesses  Preaching Points 
 13. Hector Pereya Suarez  2007-09-27 You Shall Be Witnesses  Pasdac 2007 
 14. Fr. Stephen Freeman  Salvation In A Cloud Of Witnesses  Glory To God 
 15. Ron Rhodes  Jahovah's witnesses' Bible  Jahovah's witnesses' Bible 
 16. Fr. Stephen Freeman  Salvation In A Cloud Of Witnesses  Glory To God 
 17. Chris McCann  Two Witnesses Build the Temple  Wednesday Night Paltalk 
 18. Carlson,Ron  Jehovah Witnesses & The Trinity  firefighters.org 
 19. Carlson,Ron  Jehovah Witnesses & The Trinity  firefighters.org 
 20. Ron Rhodes  Jahovah's witnesses' Bible  Jahovah's witnesses' Bible 
 21. Backslash Media Enterprises  WSEP - Jehovah's Witnesses  Pagan Comedy Minute 
 22. Dr. Jan Seski  Jehovah's Witnesses and blood  Bloodless surgery 
 23. Dr. Robert B. Thompson  The Rise & Fall of the Two Witnesses  Copyright, Mount Zion Fellowship 
 24. Boston Secession, Jane Ring Fr  - Testimony of Witnesses: Loko  Boston Secession live performa 
 25. Dr. Daniel L Akin  Happy Dead Witnesses Day  Revelation: The Great Unveiling 
 26. Sean Finnegan with Ray Faircloth  Leaving the Jehovah's Witnesses  Truth Matters 
 27. Anne Barker  Witnesses contradict Lees evidence  PM - October 24 
 28. David C. Pack - The Restored Church of God  Prophecy Series #38-Event 28: The Two Witnesses   
 29. Eric Langhorst  Speaking of History #175 - Smithsonian American History Museum and Web 2.0 Tools  Speaking of History 
 30. Eric Langhorst  Speaking of History #175 - Smithsonian American History Museum and Web 2.0 Tools  Speaking of History 
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